Climate change, Daccache et al (2011a)
Climate change, Daccache et al (2011b)
Compaction, Stalham et al (2007)
Water Use, Stalham & Allen (2005)
Water Uptake, Stalham & Allen (2004)
Irrigation abstraction Scotland, Dunn et al (2003)
Neutron probe, Gaze et al (2002)
Magnesium, Allison et al (2001)
Phosphorous, Allison et al (2001)
Potassium, Allison et al (2001)
Rooting, Stalham & Allen (2001)
Partitioning sugar beet, Werker et al (1999)
Shading tuber initiation, O'Brien et al (1998)
Sugar beet cover crops, Allison et al (1998a)
Sugar beet cover crops, Allison et al (1998b)
Tuber initiation review, O'Brien et al (1998)
Sugar beet nutrition, Allison et al (1997)
Nitrogen sugar beet, Allison et al (1996)
Leaf appearance, Firman et al (1995)
Seed silver scurf, Firman & Allen (1995)
Silver scurf transmission, Firman & Allen (1995)
Straw incorporation sugar beet, Allison & Hetschkun (1995)
Application time nutrients sugar beet, Allison et al (1994)
Optimum planting density, Wurr et al (1993)
Processing quality P Dell Record, Hogge et al (1993)
Silver scurf windrowing, Firman & Allen (1993)
Tuber size distribution, Wurr et al (1993)
Planting date seed rate early potatoes, O'Brien & Allen (1992)
Planting density maincrop varieties, Wurr et al (1992)
Predicting sprout emergence, Firman et al (1992)
Predicting stem number, Wurr et al (1992)
Seed parameters and performance, O'Brien & Allen (1992)
Small seed, Allen et al (1992)
Straw incorporation sugar beet, Allison et al (1992)
Leaf and flower initiation, Firman et al (1991)
Deaminase activity soils, Allison (1990)
Planting density Record, Wurr et al (1990)
Leaf area estimation, Firman & Allen (1989)
Light interception ground cover LAI, Firman Allen (1989)
Photosynthetic rate nitrogen, Firman & Allen (1988)
Number of tubers graded yield, Burstall et al (1987)
Accumulated day degrees, Allen & O'Brien (1986)
Barley development, Jones & Allen (1986)
Physiological age, O'Brien et al (1986)
Seed and nitrogen, O'Brien & Allen (1986)
Seed site of production, O'Brien & Allen (1986)
Seed weight and rate, Allen O'Brien (1986)
Storage losses, Wilcockson et al (1985)
Early maturity varieties, Griffith et al (1984)
Gibberellic acid propagation, Firman (1984)
Date of planting, Jones & Allen (1983)
Nitrogen and potassium uptake, Ifenkwe & Allen (1983)
Physiological age, O'Brien et al (1983)
Analysis of the potato crop, Allen & Scott (1980)
Date of planting, Allen (1977)